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旧约 - 民数记(Numbers)第16章

Korah son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, and certain Reubenites--Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab, and On son of Peleth--became insolent
and rose up against Moses. With them were 250 Israelite men, well-known community leaders who had been appointed members of the council.
They came as a group to oppose Moses and Aaron and said to them, "You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, every one of them, and the LORD is with them. Why then do you set yourselves above the LORD'S assembly?"
When Moses heard this, he fell facedown.
Then he said to Korah and all his followers: "In the morning the LORD will show who belongs to him and who is holy, and he will have that person come near him. The man he chooses he will cause to come near him.
You, Korah, and all your followers are to do this: Take censers
and tomorrow put fire and incense in them before the LORD. The man the LORD chooses will be the one who is holy. You Levites have gone too far!"
Moses also said to Korah, "Now listen, you Levites!
Isn't it enough for you that the God of Israel has separated you from the rest of the Israelite community and brought you near himself to do the work at the LORD'S tabernacle and to stand before the community and minister to them?
He has brought you and all your fellow Levites near himself, but now you are trying to get the priesthood too.
It is against the LORD that you and all your followers have banded together. Who is Aaron that you should grumble against him?"
Then Moses summoned Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab. But they said, "We will not come!
Isn't it enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to kill us in the desert? And now you also want to lord it over us?
Moreover, you haven't brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey or given us an inheritance of fields and vineyards. Will you gouge out the eyes of these men? No, we will not come!"
Then Moses became very angry and said to the LORD, "Do not accept their offering. I have not taken so much as a donkey from them, nor have I wronged any of them."
Moses said to Korah, "You and all your followers are to appear before the LORD tomorrow--you and they and Aaron.
Each man is to take his censer and put incense in it--250 censers in all--and present it before the LORD. You and Aaron are to present your censers also."
So each man took his censer, put fire and incense in it, and stood with Moses and Aaron at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.
When Korah had gathered all his followers in opposition to them at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, the glory of the LORD appeared to the entire assembly.
The LORD said to Moses and Aaron,
"Separate yourselves from this assembly so I can put an end to them at once."
But Moses and Aaron fell facedown and cried out, "O God, God of the spirits of all mankind, will you be angry with the entire assembly when only one man sins?"
Then the LORD said to Moses,
"Say to the assembly, 'Move away from the tents of Korah, Dathan and Abiram.'"
Moses got up and went to Dathan and Abiram, and the elders of Israel followed him.
He warned the assembly, "Move back from the tents of these wicked men! Do not touch anything belonging to them, or you will be swept away because of all their sins."
So they moved away from the tents of Korah, Dathan and Abiram. Dathan and Abiram had come out and were standing with their wives, children and little ones at the entrances to their tents.
Then Moses said, "This is how you will know that the LORD has sent me to do all these things and that it was not my idea:
If these men die a natural death and experience only what usually happens to men, then the LORD has not sent me.
But if the LORD brings about something totally new, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them, with everything that belongs to them, and they go down alive into the grave, then you will know that these men have treated the LORD with contempt."
As soon as he finished saying all this, the ground under them split apart
and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them, with their households and all Korah's men and all their possessions.
They went down alive into the grave, with everything they owned; the earth closed over them, and they perished and were gone from the community.
At their cries, all the Israelites around them fled, shouting, "The earth is going to swallow us too!"
And fire came out from the LORD and consumed the 250 men who were offering the incense.
The LORD said to Moses,
"Tell Eleazar son of Aaron, the priest, to take the censers out of the smoldering remains and scatter the coals some distance away, for the censers are holy--
the censers of the men who sinned at the cost of their lives. Hammer the censers into sheets to overlay the altar, for they were presented before the LORD and have become holy. Let them be a sign to the Israelites."
So Eleazar the priest collected the bronze censers brought by those who had been burned up, and he had them hammered out to overlay the altar,
as the LORD directed him through Moses. This was to remind the Israelites that no one except a descendant of Aaron should come to burn incense before the LORD, or he would become like Korah and his followers.
The next day the whole Israelite community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. "You have killed the LORD'S people," they said.
But when the assembly gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron and turned toward the Tent of Meeting, suddenly the cloud covered it and the glory of the LORD appeared.
Then Moses and Aaron went to the front of the Tent of Meeting,
and the LORD said to Moses,
"Get away from this assembly so I can put an end to them at once." And they fell facedown.
Then Moses said to Aaron, "Take your censer and put incense in it, along with fire from the altar, and hurry to the assembly to make atonement for them. Wrath has come out from the LORD; the plague has started."
So Aaron did as Moses said, and ran into the midst of the assembly. The plague had already started among the people, but Aaron offered the incense and made atonement for them.
He stood between the living and the dead, and the plague stopped.
But 14,700 people died from the plague, in addition to those who had died because of Korah.
Then Aaron returned to Moses at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, for the plague had stopped.
民数记第十六章   第 16 章 


  民 16:1-3> 今天仍要提防可拉党吗?怎样看待权力与事奉的关系? 

  16:1-3 可拉和他一党之人,在埃及曾看到祭司地位的优越。埃及人的祭司有很多财富,政治上有权势和影响力,这是可拉奢望得到的。他想把以色列人的祭司职位也变成和埃及那里一样的政治阶梯,从中分得一席之地。他并不明白摩西的心志重在事奉神,而不是想辖管别人。 

  民 16:8-10> 可拉一党虽有职分,还想更上一层楼──但人都该向上爬啊──你可告诉我这有什么不对劲吗? 

  16:8-10 摩西看出可拉的真正动机,他们想得到祭司的权力。我们常常像可拉一样,也想得到神赐给他人的特别资格。可拉本来有能力,身负重要的责任,但因为野心勃勃,还想求得更多,结果反而失去一切。你要专心寻求神给你的召命,而不是妄求像别人一样的权力地位。 

  民 16:13-14> 我是不分是非,遇困难就逃避的人吗?大坍、亚比兰错在…… 

  16:13-14 只看眼前的困难,将其过分夸大,最容易使人偏离神,大坍与亚比兰正在这种光景之中。他们过去受奴役,遭督工鞭打,急想离开埃及;现在为食物,埃及反而对他们有了极大的吸引力,他们一点也看不见未来的美景。让我们定睛于神,祂会引领我们一生的道路。 

  民 16:26> 我是顺服神,远离罪恶,还是跟罪人同流合污? 

  16:26 摩西吩咐不跟随大坍、可拉党的以色列人,不单要远离他们的帐棚,甚至不可摸他们的物件,如果不这样行就表示同情他们,同意他们的观点。可拉、大坍与亚比兰直接与摩西对抗,也与神对抗。摩西清清楚楚地说明,神要怎样对付这班悖逆之人( 16:28-30 )。祂这样行,是要叫人在顺从的功课上作出正确的抉择。当神要你选择是跟从祂、还是站在邪恶人一边时,不要犹豫,要将自己完全顺服地献与主。 

  民 16:41> 发怨言是消极行为,更何况是针对神。但有时候我…… 

  16:41 灾祸刚过去的第二天,全会众又发怨言,这种消极的态度只能使他们更加悖逆神和受到更严厉的惩罚。抱怨使他们对神的信心改变,想放弃神的旨意。人由于不满与怀疑而悖逆神,就对神和环境发怨言,接着就有苦毒与怀恨,最后产生敌意。如果你常常不满、怀疑及发牢骚,心中存有苦毒,你就必须当心!这些态度会使你与神隔绝。──《灵修版圣经注释》