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旧约 - 历代记下(2 Chronicles)第13章

In the eighteenth year of the reign of Jeroboam, Abijah became king of Judah,
and he reigned in Jerusalem three years. His mother's name was Maacah, a daughter of Uriel of Gibeah. There was war between Abijah and Jeroboam.
Abijah went into battle with a force of four hundred thousand able fighting men, and Jeroboam drew up a battle line against him with eight hundred thousand able troops.
Abijah stood on Mount Zemaraim, in the hill country of Ephraim, and said, "Jeroboam and all Israel, listen to me!
Don't you know that the LORD, the God of Israel, has given the kingship of Israel to David and his descendants forever by a covenant of salt?
Yet Jeroboam son of Nebat, an official of Solomon son of David, rebelled against his master.
Some worthless scoundrels gathered around him and opposed Rehoboam son of Solomon when he was young and indecisive and not strong enough to resist them.
"And now you plan to resist the kingdom of the LORD, which is in the hands of David's descendants. You are indeed a vast army and have with you the golden calves that Jeroboam made to be your gods.
But didn't you drive out the priests of the LORD, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites, and make priests of your own as the peoples of other lands do? Whoever comes to consecrate himself with a young bull and seven rams may become a priest of what are not gods.
"As for us, the LORD is our God, and we have not forsaken him. The priests who serve the LORD are sons of Aaron, and the Levites assist them.
Every morning and evening they present burnt offerings and fragrant incense to the LORD. They set out the bread on the ceremonially clean table and light the lamps on the gold lampstand every evening. We are observing the requirements of the LORD our God. But you have forsaken him.
God is with us; he is our leader. His priests with their trumpets will sound the battle cry against you. Men of Israel, do not fight against the LORD, the God of your fathers, for you will not succeed."
Now Jeroboam had sent troops around to the rear, so that while he was in front of Judah the ambush was behind them.
Judah turned and saw that they were being attacked at both front and rear. Then they cried out to the LORD. The priests blew their trumpets
and the men of Judah raised the battle cry. At the sound of their battle cry, God routed Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.
The Israelites fled before Judah, and God delivered them into their hands.
Abijah and his men inflicted heavy losses on them, so that there were five hundred thousand casualties among Israel's able men.
The men of Israel were subdued on that occasion, and the men of Judah were victorious because they relied on the LORD, the God of their fathers.
Abijah pursued Jeroboam and took from him the towns of Bethel, Jeshanah and Ephron, with their surrounding villages.
Jeroboam did not regain power during the time of Abijah. And the LORD struck him down and he died.
But Abijah grew in strength. He married fourteen wives and had twenty-two sons and sixteen daughters.
The other events of Abijah's reign, what he did and what he said, are written in the annotations of the prophet Iddo.
历代志下第十三章   第 13 章 

  代下 13:1> 为何历代志下对亚比雅的评语和列王纪上 15 章 1 至 8 节有所不同? 

  13:1 列王纪上说亚比雅作恶多端(参王上 15:3 ),但是历代志只提到他正面的事迹,整体来说,他仍然是个昏君。历代志作者选出他所做的一点善行,把它显明出来,以表示他仍然活在神对大卫立约的应许中。因为他曾疾言厉色地谴责耶罗波安( 13:4-12 ),因此暂时免受犯罪的报应。 

  代下 13:8> 金牛犊成了他们的护身符!我检视我的生活,好像有些…… 

  13:8 耶罗波安的军队受到咒诅,因为将偶像金牛犊带到军中。他们似乎将罪恶具体化,以便到处携带,当作护身符。如果你把宝物看得比神更尊贵,它就会变成你的金牛犊,终必有一天会使你败亡。所以凡是叫你与神疏远的事物,都应该完全放下。 

  代下 13:9> 祭司素质的下降,成为犹大亡国的一个主要因素,这对今天教会的事工有何提醒? 

  13:9 亚比雅谴责耶罗波安所立的祭司,认为他们的素质江河日下。要服事虚无的神灵,人人都能充数,但是要想服事全能的真神,生活必须合乎祂的标准──远超常人的水平。在你的教会中,选立长执人员,不应仅仅因为他们乐意尽力、有影响力、受过高等教育。事奉神的人要有纯正信仰、竭诚献身、并有良好的属灵品格(参提后 3 )。 

  代下 13:18-19> 犹大与以色列争雄,是否有属灵的因素影响着双方的成败?与我有何鉴戒? 

  13:18-19 犹大兵力薄弱,无法跟以色列争雄,但他们倚靠神,因而得胜。犹大历史中不乏专心仰望神的君王,但以色列的君王却没有一个忠心跟随神,总是效法耶罗波安,不是敬拜偶像就是事奉巴力。结果,神惩罚他们比惩罚犹大人早得多。 

  犹大的长处是境内有圣殿,维持了献祭传统,并有忠心的祭司与先知一同事奉。犹大国有 许多 君王是贤明的,在位时多少都有点德政。每逢有拜偶像的君王掌权,之后总有敬畏神的君王继位,复兴敬虔的生活;而拜偶像的君王在位的时间,一般均比贤君短得多。故此犹大国对神的纯真信仰,比北方的以色列更为坚强、更有根基,不过仍然未达到神的标准。──《灵修版圣经注释》