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旧约 - 列王记下(2 Kings)第8章

Now Elisha had said to the woman whose son he had restored to life, "Go away with your family and stay for a while wherever you can, because the LORD has decreed a famine in the land that will last seven years."
The woman proceeded to do as the man of God said. She and her family went away and stayed in the land of the Philistines seven years.
At the end of the seven years she came back from the land of the Philistines and went to the king to beg for her house and land.
The king was talking to Gehazi, the servant of the man of God, and had said, "Tell me about all the great things Elisha has done."
Just as Gehazi was telling the king how Elisha had restored the dead to life, the woman whose son Elisha had brought back to life came to beg the king for her house and land. Gehazi said, "This is the woman, my lord the king, and this is her son whom Elisha restored to life."
The king asked the woman about it, and she told him. Then he assigned an official to her case and said to him, "Give back everything that belonged to her, including all the income from her land from the day she left the country until now."
Elisha went to Damascus, and Ben-Hadad king of Aram was ill. When the king was told, "The man of God has come all the way up here,"
he said to Hazael, "Take a gift with you and go to meet the man of God. Consult the LORD through him; ask him, 'Will I recover from this illness?'"
Hazael went to meet Elisha, taking with him as a gift forty camel-loads of all the finest wares of Damascus. He went in and stood before him, and said, "Your son Ben-Hadad king of Aram has sent me to ask, 'Will I recover from this illness?'"
Elisha answered, "Go and say to him, 'You will certainly recover'; but the LORD has revealed to me that he will in fact die."
He stared at him with a fixed gaze until Hazael felt ashamed. Then the man of God began to weep.
"Why is my lord weeping?" asked Hazael. "Because I know the harm you will do to the Israelites," he answered. "You will set fire to their fortified places, kill their young men with the sword, dash their little children to the ground, and rip open their pregnant women."
Hazael said, "How could your servant, a mere dog, accomplish such a feat?" "The LORD has shown me that you will become king of Aram," answered Elisha.
Then Hazael left Elisha and returned to his master. When Ben-Hadad asked, "What did Elisha say to you?" Hazael replied, "He told me that you would certainly recover."
But the next day he took a thick cloth, soaked it in water and spread it over the king's face, so that he died. Then Hazael succeeded him as king.
In the fifth year of Joram son of Ahab king of Israel, when Jehoshaphat was king of Judah, Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat began his reign as king of Judah.
He was thirty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years.
He walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, as the house of Ahab had done, for he married a daughter of Ahab. He did evil in the eyes of the LORD.
Nevertheless, for the sake of his servant David, the LORD was not willing to destroy Judah. He had promised to maintain a lamp for David and his descendants forever.
In the time of Jehoram, Edom rebelled against Judah and set up its own king.
So Jehoram went to Zair with all his chariots. The Edomites surrounded him and his chariot commanders, but he rose up and broke through by night; his army, however, fled back home.
To this day Edom has been in rebellion against Judah. Libnah revolted at the same time.
As for the other events of Jehoram's reign, and all he did, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Judah?
Jehoram rested with his fathers and was buried with them in the City of David. And Ahaziah his son succeeded him as king.
In the twelfth year of Joram son of Ahab king of Israel, Ahaziah son of Jehoram king of Judah began to reign.
Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem one year. His mother's name was Athaliah, a granddaughter of Omri king of Israel.
He walked in the ways of the house of Ahab and did evil in the eyes of the LORD, as the house of Ahab had done, for he was related by marriage to Ahab's family.
Ahaziah went with Joram son of Ahab to war against Hazael king of Aram at Ramoth Gilead. The Arameans wounded Joram;
so King Joram returned to Jezreel to recover from the wounds the Arameans had inflicted on him at Ramoth in his battle with Hazael king of Aram. Then Ahaziah son of Jehoram king of Judah went down to Jezreel to see Joram son of Ahab, because he had been wounded.
列王纪下第八章   第 8 章 

  王下 8:1-6> 以利沙长期眷顾书念妇人,我在关怀他人上做得如何? 

  8:1-6 这件事必定发生于第五章所记载的事件以前,因为这七年的饥荒必定是在基哈西生大麻疯以前。这件事显明以利沙对寡妇一家的长期眷顾,他对这个家庭的服事,可与他公开行神迹的事工媲美。以利沙的一生在关怀人方面为我们树立了好榜样。 

  王下 8:12-13> 我们常自信不会犯罪,犯罪的根源是什么?怎样才能抵挡罪恶? 

  8:12-13 以利沙说哈薛必要大大犯罪,哈薛极力否认,说绝不会如此,他不认识自己有犯罪的可能性。在文明的社会里,我们常以为自己不会犯大罪,能克己行事、绝不会沉沦败坏。其实我们应当用更合乎圣经、更实际的态度来看自己,承认在我们里面的罪性,这样才会求神赐下能力去抵挡邪恶。 

  王下 8:12-15> 神为何允许哈薛这样的恶人篡位? 

  8:12-15 以利沙论哈薛虐待以色列人的话,在 10 章 32 至 33 节有了部分的应验。哈薛一定知道他必要作亚兰人的王,因为以利亚曾经膏了他(参王上 19:15 ),但是他不等神所定的时间来到,就自己动手杀了便哈达。神用哈薛来审判不顺服祂的以色列民。 

  王下 8:18> 与亚哈女儿结为夫妻,可能是为了政治的目的,可是却带来…… 

  8:18 犹大王约沙法为他的儿子约兰娶亚她利雅为妻,她是以色列邪恶的亚哈王与耶洗别的女儿。她依照北国拜偶像的习俗去做,将拜巴力带到南国犹大,使南国开始败落。约兰死后,儿子亚哈谢作王,亚哈谢被北国将军耶户所杀。后来亚她利雅杀了自己所有的孙子,只漏掉一个约阿施,最后她自立为女王( 11:1-3 )。约兰的婚姻可能有政治上的好处,在灵性上却是致命伤。 

  王下 8:20-22> 以色列人与以东的争战由来已久── 

  8:20-22 犹大虽然与以东接壤,并且同出于一位祖宗(以撒),两国却争战不息。大卫作王时,以东一度是以色列联合王国的附庸(参撒下 8:13-14 ),国家分裂以后,以东曾臣服南国犹大。至此以东背叛犹大宣告独立,约兰立刻攻打以东,但伏击失败,失去一些疆土,这是不荣耀神所带来的惩罚。 

  王下 8:26> 亚哈谢作王是因── 

  8:26 亚哈谢是犹大王约兰所有儿子中惟一留在国中的一位,他最年轻,但因为其他兄长在非利士人与阿拉伯人入侵时被掳去,所以他能登基作王(参代下 21:16-17 )。 

  王下 8:26-27> 亚她利雅的家族背景── 

  8:26-27 亚哈谢的母亲亚她利雅是亚哈与耶洗别的女儿,她的祖父是前朝的暗利。亚哈与耶洗别的恶行藉亚她利雅传到犹大。 

  王下 8:29> 8:29 耶斯列是以色列王夏宫所在地。──《灵修版圣经注释》