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旧约 - 民数记(Numbers)第20章

In the first month the whole Israelite community arrived at the Desert of Zin, and they stayed at Kadesh. There Miriam died and was buried.
Now there was no water for the community, and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron.
They quarreled with Moses and said, "If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the LORD!
Why did you bring the LORD'S community into this desert, that we and our livestock should die here?
Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!"
Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them.
The LORD said to Moses,
"Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink."
So Moses took the staff from the LORD'S presence, just as he commanded him.
He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, "Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?"
Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank.
But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them."
These were the waters of Meribah, where the Israelites quarreled with the LORD and where he showed himself holy among them.
Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom, saying: "This is what your brother Israel says: You know about all the hardships that have come upon us.
Our forefathers went down into Egypt, and we lived there many years. The Egyptians mistreated us and our fathers,
but when we cried out to the LORD, he heard our cry and sent an angel and brought us out of Egypt. "Now we are here at Kadesh, a town on the edge of your territory.
Please let us pass through your country. We will not go through any field or vineyard, or drink water from any well. We will travel along the king's highway and not turn to the right or to the left until we have passed through your territory."
But Edom answered: "You may not pass through here; if you try, we will march out and attack you with the sword."
The Israelites replied: "We will go along the main road, and if we or our livestock drink any of your water, we will pay for it. We only want to pass through on foot--nothing else."
Again they answered: "You may not pass through." Then Edom came out against them with a large and powerful army.
Since Edom refused to let them go through their territory, Israel turned away from them.
The whole Israelite community set out from Kadesh and came to Mount Hor.
At Mount Hor, near the border of Edom, the LORD said to Moses and Aaron,
"Aaron will be gathered to his people. He will not enter the land I give the Israelites, because both of you rebelled against my command at the waters of Meribah.
Get Aaron and his son Eleazar and take them up Mount Hor.
Remove Aaron's garments and put them on his son Eleazar, for Aaron will be gathered to his people; he will die there."
Moses did as the LORD commanded: They went up Mount Hor in the sight of the whole community.
Moses removed Aaron's garments and put them on his son Eleazar. And Aaron died there on top of the mountain. Then Moses and Eleazar came down from the mountain,
and when the whole community learned that Aaron had died, the entire house of Israel mourned for him thirty days.
民数记第二十章   第 20 章 

  民 20:1> 再临加低斯,以色列人入迦南付出了多大的代价? 

  20:1 加低斯是三十八年前初次窥探迦南地的人回来报恶信的地方( 13-14 章)。从埃及出来的那一代已所剩无几,新一代的人不久就可以进入迦南地了。摩西、亚伦、约书亚、迦勒,是自出埃及直至此时仅存的少数几个人。他们再次来到加低斯安营,摩西盼望百姓能有新的开始。 

  民 20:3-5> 好发怨言,怪罪他人,是我与其他人同工时的表现吗? 

  20:3-5 事隔 37 年,新一代已忘记在旷野飘流是因父母和自己犯罪的结果,他们不肯承认问题所在,反而怪责摩西使他们身陷困境。我们的困难,常常是由于不顺服神或缺少信心所致。我们绝不能怪责神使我们犯罪,只有当我们认清自己的罪,才会有平安和灵命上的长进。 

  民 20:12> 神为什么如此严厉处罚摩西?你从中悟出什么真谛?身为领袖的应怎样做? 

  20:12 耶和华只叫摩西吩咐磐石出水,但他竟然击打磐石两下。本来神的大能藉着摩西的吩咐就能成就,但是摩西竟擅自做主,击打磐石,因此神不准他进入应许之地,百姓亦毁谤他、攻击他。神对摩西的处罚太严厉吗?摩西是领导人,应该以身作则,他对百姓负有重大的责任,所以神不能对他从轻发落。他击打磐石,就是不顺从神的吩咐,并且是在百姓面前做的,表示他自作主张、不信任神、不尊神为圣。 

  民 20:14> 互相信赖可化干戈为玉帛,一方猜疑便埋下危机…… 

  20:14 以扫与雅各两兄弟,成为两个民族的祖先。以东人是以扫的后裔,以色列人是雅各的子孙。本来,以东人是以色列人的兄弟,以色列人向以东王要求从他的境内大道通过,保证不会损坏他们的田地、葡萄园,更不喝他们井里的水;但是以东王不肯,因为不相信他们的话,怕他们会来攻击,或踏坏庄稼(参申 2:4-5 )。神不许弟兄动武,便吩咐以色列人从另一条路前往应许之地。 

  民 20:17> 20:17 大道(原文作王道)是古代车队所行走之道路。在以色列人来到之前,早已成为主要的公路。 


  民 20:21> 遇到阻挠凭血气行事,还是求神引路或赐智慧找出路? 

  20:21 摩西想派人与以东王商谈,好从他的境内通过,但是没有成功。他只有两个选择,一是兴兵动武,一是止住干戈。摩西知道未来的岁月障碍重重,不想再添烦恼。争战有时是不可避免的,但有时不值得因小不忍而乱大谋。公然宣战似乎很英雄,甚至是维护公义,但这未必是最好的选择。我们应当效法摩西,即使没法前进时,也要想出另一种解决的方法,尽管这并非易事。 


  民 20:28> 神给我的使命是什么?如何面对交接班?如何面对成败? 

  20:28 亚伦在进美地前辞世,是对他背叛之罪的一种处罚。(参出 32 ,民 12:1-9 )新一代祭司已受任,按利末记规定,亚伦身上的圣衣、祭司袍被脱下,由他儿子以利亚撒穿上,让会众清楚看见,下一代新的任务已经开始。──《灵修版圣经注释》