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旧约 - 以赛亚书(Isaiah)第18章

Woe to the land of whirring wings along the rivers of Cush,
which sends envoys by sea in papyrus boats over the water. Go, swift messengers, to a people tall and smooth-skinned, to a people feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers.
All you people of the world, you who live on the earth, when a banner is raised on the mountains, you will see it, and when a trumpet sounds, you will hear it.
This is what the LORD says to me: "I will remain quiet and will look on from my dwelling place, like shimmering heat in the sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest."
For, before the harvest, when the blossom is gone and the flower becomes a ripening grape, he will cut off the shoots with pruning knives, and cut down and take away the spreading branches.
They will all be left to the mountain birds of prey and to the wild animals; the birds will feed on them all summer, the wild animals all winter.
At that time gifts will be brought to the LORD Almighty from a people tall and smooth-skinned, from a people feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers--the gifts will be brought to Mount Zion, the place of the Name of the LORD Almighty.
以赛亚书第十八章   赛 18 章 > 面对强敌犹大为何不与邻国结盟? 

  18 章 这个预言大约是在希西家时代发出的(参王下 19 ; 20 )。“翅膀刷刷响”指的是蝉,大概是在描述古实的军队。古实王听说亚述庞大的军队从南边向他们逼近,就派信使到尼罗河周围国家谈结盟。信使也到了犹大,但以赛亚让信使回去了,因为犹大只需神的帮助去抵抗亚述。以赛亚预言说,亚述要在适当的时候被毁灭( 37:21-38 )。 

  赛 18:3> “竖立大旗”“吹角”是── 

  18:3 这是古实噩运来临和亚述将战胜古实的信号( 20:1-6 )。──《灵修版圣经注释》