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旧约 - 以赛亚书(Isaiah)第11章

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him--the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD--
and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears;
but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.
Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist.
The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.
The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
The infant will play near the hole of the cobra, and the young child put his hand into the viper's nest.
They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.
In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his place of rest will be glorious.
In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the remnant that is left of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the sea.
He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth.
Ephraim's jealousy will vanish, and Judah's enemies will be cut off; Ephraim will not be jealous of Judah, nor Judah hostile toward Ephraim.
They will swoop down on the slopes of Philistia to the west; together they will plunder the people to the east. They will lay hands on Edom and Moab, and the Ammonites will be subject to them.
The LORD will dry up the gulf of the Egyptian sea; with a scorching wind he will sweep his hand over the Euphrates River. He will break it up into seven streams so that men can cross over in sandals.
There will be a highway for the remnant of his people that is left from Assyria, as there was for Israel when they came up from Egypt.
以赛亚书第十一章   赛 11:1-9> 同像被吹倒的树,犹大与亚述的命运却截然不同…… 

  11:1-9 亚述就像一棵树在它权力的高峰处被砍倒( 10:33-34 ),再也立不起来。犹大(大卫的王族)就像一棵被从树根砍倒的树,但从那树墩处将生出一个新枝子来,这就是弥赛亚。祂比原来的树要大,结的果子更多。弥赛亚实现了神对大卫的后裔要永远统治的应许(参撒下 7:16 )。 

  赛 11:3-5> 我们多么希望别人能公平地对待我们,可是我们这样地待过人家吗? 

  11:3-5 神要用公义和正直来统治。我们恨那些只根据表面现象和假见证,或道听途说来判断的人,但我们是不是也在这样做呢?只有基督可以成为完全公正的法官。只有祂在我们的内心作王的时候,我们才能学会:“你们愿意人怎么待你们,你们也要怎样待人。” 

  赛 11:4-5> 只要制止犯罪,就达到公义的要求了吧? 

  11:4-5 犹大已变得腐化并且被敌对的外国势力所包围,全国急迫需要公义、正直和信心的复兴。他们需要离弃自私,向穷人和受压迫的人施公义。神看重的公义不只是不犯罪,而且是积极地接触别人,向他们提供所需要的帮助。 

  赛 11:6-10> 孩子──蛇洞──毒蛇,这是人间的景象吗? 

  11:6-10 这是个黄金时代也是个和平时代。儿童在这个时代里可以同危险的动物玩耍。基督第一次降临人间的时候,这个时代还没有到来,大自然还没有回到原来的和谐状态(参罗 8:9-22 )。这理想的平静,在基督统治大地时才能实现。 

  赛 11:11> 那些“所剩下的人”什么时候才能重回家园呢? 

  11:11 旧约的预言常常是既适用于近期也适用于遥远的将来。犹大人不久就被掳到巴比伦,“所剩下的人”将在塞鲁士的命令下达后,于公元前 537 年回到耶路撒冷。但是在那 " 日子 " 到来的时候,神的百姓要遍及全世界。这些城巿代表了世界的四个角:北方的哈马,南方的埃及,东边的亚述和巴比伦,西边的海岛。在基督统治大地的时候,百姓终将大团聚。 

  赛 11:13> 以法莲在这儿是代表了── 

  11:13 北方的主导支派以法莲是北国以色列的另一个名称。 

  赛 11:14> 以东、摩押、亚扪与犹大总有关联── 

  11:14 以东,摩押和亚扪是三个与犹大(与非利士一起)接壤的国家。他们在犹大被击溃的时候幸灾乐祸,还占领了犹大的土地。 

  赛 11:15-16> 神引领人的方式,许多时是人完全意想不到的……