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旧约 - 箴言(Proverbs)第9章

Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars:
She hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table.
She hath sent forth her maidens: she crieth upon the highest places of the city,
Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him,
Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have mingled.
Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.
He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.
Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased.
If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself: but if thou scornest, thou alone shalt bear it.
A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.
For she sitteth at the door of her house, on a seat in the high places of the city,
To call passengers who go right on their ways:
Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: and as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him,
Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.
But he knoweth not that the dead are there; and that her guests are in the depths of hell.
箴言第九章   第 9 章 

  箴 9 章 > 智慧和愚昧的分别在哪里? 

  9 章 这一章把智慧和愚昧描绘成两个敌对的年轻妇人,她们都预备了筵席,邀请人来参加。智慧是一位德行全备的妇人,愚昧则是一个用偷来的食物款待客人的妓女。智慧首先唤起人的思想,愚昧则令人陷入肉体的情欲。挑逗人的七情六欲虽比较容易,但愚昧所带来的欢愉只是短暂的。相比之下,智慧所赐的满足则是永远的。 

  箴 9:1> “七根柱子……”圣经中为什么常有“七”这个数字? 

  9:1 七根柱子是借喻的说法,并不代表智慧有七个原则。在圣经中,七代表完全、完美的意思。这一节以诗体说明智慧是完备无缺、十全十美的。 

  9:1-5 这章所说的筵席,和耶稣所讲筵席的比喻(参路 14:15-24 )有相似之处。有许多人可能想去参加,可惜他们被其他事情阻挠而没有去,因为他们看那些事情更重要。你千万不要让任何事变得比寻求神的智慧更重要。 

  箴 9:7-10> 受到责备却爱责备自己的人,我做得到吗?我是智慧人还是亵慢人? 

  9:7-10 从你对别人批评的反应,可以看出你是一个亵慢人还是智慧人。在受到斥责的时候,不要即时反唇相讥或以巧言还击,却要静听所论。你要从别人的批评中学习,因这是获得智慧的途径。认识神是智慧的开端。祂赐人认识生命的真谛,使人能洞悉生活,因为生命是祂创造的。认识神,不单是知道有关祂的一些事,也要敬畏祂并与祂建立美好的关系。你若想成为智慧人,就要多多地认识神(关于怎样才能得到智慧,请参雅 1:5 ;彼后 1:2-4 )。 

  箴 9:14-17> 越被禁止的事我越好奇,这也是危险的? 

  9:14-17 邪恶有麻醉以及令人上瘾的作用。人犯了罪以后,就想犯更多的罪。犯罪的行为似乎比基督徒的生活要刺激,这可能是许多人推辞智慧的丰盛筵席( 9:1-5 ),而去吃愚昧偷来食物的原因。犯罪是危险的,不要受它的欺骗。在你偷尝禁果以前,要仔细留意吃禁果之人的下场(参 22 章的附表)。──《灵修版圣经注释》