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旧约 - 诗篇(Psalms)第29章

Give unto the LORD, O ye mighty, give unto the LORD glory and strength.
Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.
The voice of the LORD is upon the waters: the God of glory thundereth: the LORD is upon many waters.
The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full of majesty.
The voice of the LORD breaketh the cedars; yea, the LORD breaketh the cedars of Lebanon.
He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like a young unicorn.
The voice of the LORD divideth the flames of fire.
The voice of the LORD shaketh the wilderness; the LORD shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh.
The voice of the LORD maketh the hinds to calve, and discovereth the forests: and in his temple doth every one speak of his glory.
The LORD sitteth upon the flood; yea, the LORD sitteth King for ever.
The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace.
诗篇第廿九篇   第 29 篇 

  诗 29:5-6> 神的声音震破了香柏树,真的吗?是怎样的? 

  29:5-6 黎巴嫩的香柏树是巨型的树木。它高可达 36 公尺,周长可达 9 公尺,若一个声音就能把它震碎,那一定是神强大的声音。西连是指黑门山。所有可见之物都在神完全掌管之下。 

  诗 29:10-11> 神的能力,突破了洪水的困阻,也可以突破我生命中的难处吗? 

  29:10-11 纵观历史我们看到,神通过对自然界所行的无比神迹显示了祂的权柄。例如大洪水(参创 6-9 )。神应许要继续显示自己的全部权柄。保罗敦促我们要理解神的权柄有多大(参弗 1:18-23 )。使基督从死里复活的同一权柄在帮助我们面对日常的问题。当你感到自己软弱和有限的时候,不要失望。要记住神可以给你力量。神控制受造物和使死人复活的权柄也与你同在。──《灵修版圣经注释》