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旧约 - 西番雅书(Zephaniah)第3章

Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!
She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.
Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow.
Her prophets are light and treacherous persons: her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law.
The just LORD is in the midst thereof; he will not do iniquity: every morning doth he bring his judgment to light, he faileth not; but the unjust knoweth no shame.
I have cut off the nations: their towers are desolate; I made their streets waste, that none passeth by: their cities are destroyed, so that there is no man, that there is none inhabitant.
I said, Surely thou wilt fear me, thou wilt receive instruction; so their dwelling should not be cut off, howsoever I punished them: but they rose early, and corrupted all their doings.
Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.
For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.
From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.
In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against me: for then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain.
I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the LORD.
The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.
Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.
The LORD hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, even the LORD, is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more.
In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear thou not: and to Zion, Let not thine hands be slack.
The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
I will gather them that are sorrowful for the solemn assembly, who are of thee, to whom the reproach of it was a burden.
Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee: and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame.
At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you: for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith the LORD.
西番雅书第三章   第 3 章 

  番 3 章 > 虚假地敬拜神的百姓照样受罚,神欺骗不得的,我有没有想欺骗神的时候? 

  3 章 先知西番雅在预言周围国家要被毁灭之后,便回到了当前的问题:在耶路撒冷中的罪行。神的城成了污秽的城,神的百姓已成了悖逆的民族,同异族邻邦一样的有罪。百姓假装敬拜神和事奉神,但心中却拒绝祂,犯罪而乐此不疲,不再介意背弃神会带来什么后果。 

  番 3:2> 神的话我听,人的意见嘛,好像总不如我高明…… 

  3:2 你曾否认识一些人,当别人的看法与他们不同时,他们就会拒绝听别人的意见?这些人实质上是骄傲、自我膨胀。神的百姓变得如此骄傲,已听不进去也不愿接受神的纠正。你自己是否也难于听取别人的属灵辅导,不肯接受圣经中神话语的劝导呢?不要让骄傲使你不能或不肯让神在你的生命中工作。如果你晓得跟神相比自己是多么的软弱和有罪,你便会乐意听神的话了。 

  番 3:3-4> 权力──责任,作领袖的如何看待── 

  3:3-4 带领神的百姓既是特权,也是责任。神通过西番雅驳斥了耶路撒冷的各类领袖──官长、统治者、先知和祭司,因为他们不顺服神,心肠刚硬,不负责任且犯罪。如果你是一个教会领袖,你要明白自己是身处于一个有特权的位置上,千万要小心谨慎。神要求你的是行为纯正,以身作则,里外一致,诚实无伪。 

  番 3:5> “每早晨显明祂的公义”,每天早上我都看新闻,有没有看到神显明的公义? 

  3:5 耶路撒冷的居民和全体百姓实在罪有应得,难辞其咎。耶路撒冷是圣殿所在之地,是举国的宗教中心。尽管百姓不再敬奉神,可是神仍在城中,仍在腐败、迫害和不信的环境中。这世界不管在灵性上变得多么荒凉,神仍在这里,祂仍在工作。问问自己:“祂现在正做什么,我怎样可以成为祂工作的一部分?” 

  番 3:7> “在一切事上败坏自己”,以色列人怎么成了这样…… 

  3:7 我们也许奇怪,为什么以色列人领受了如此清楚的警告,却仍不肯回转归向神。问题是他们让罪使他们刚硬,已不再在乎是否跟随神了。他们拒绝神的警告,也不肯认罪。神越惩罚他们,他们就越犯罪。事实上,他们热衷于犯罪。如果你现在不顺从神,你的心也会趋向刚硬,失去对神的渴慕。 

  番 3:8> 以色列人热衷犯罪,怪不得神发烈怒…… 

  3:8 在末日里,神要根据百姓的所作所为施行审判(参启 20:12 ),正义必得伸张,犯罪的必将受惩罚,忠诚的必会蒙祝福。所以不要自己申冤,只管耐心等候,因为神的公义将要来临。 

  番 3:9> 不清洁的言语,我能不能一句不说,有时,还真难…… 

  3:9 神要洁净人的口,统一语言,这样祂在列国的百姓才可以和谐地敬拜祂。在新天新地里,众圣徒将讲同一种语言。过去因建巴别塔混乱了的语言要反正过来(参创 11 章)。神净化我们的心,也要清洁我们口中的言语。 

  番 3:10> 犹大人犯罪,在列国中被抛来抛去,但只要他们回转── 

  3:10 “分散的民”是指散居于古实河以外的犹太人。这象征所有的犹太人无论分散得有多远,终必归回敬拜神。 

  番 3:11-12> 骄傲的人向来受神咒诅,我有没有以为这只是一般缺点…… 

  3:11-12 神要除去骄傲的人,留下温柔谦卑的人。历世历代神都敌挡骄傲和自大的人,但那些在肉体和灵性上自感软弱和谦卑的人,却因信靠神而得着赏赐。只靠自己和趾高气扬的人,在神的百姓和神的国里,都是毫无地位的。 

  番 3:14-18> 神为人喜乐而欢呼,这令我羡慕向往! 

  3:14-18 主自己将会收回审判的手,除灭以色列的敌人。祂更要来往于祂的百姓中间,赐他们喜乐。我们若苦心追求快乐,却停止与神的交通,就犯罪了。要知道神是惟一能使我们真正快乐的。西番雅指出让神与我们同在,我们便有快乐。我们要忠心地跟随祂,服从祂的命令,这样,神就会为我们欢呼歌唱。如果你想快乐,那就服从神,靠近那喜乐的泉源吧。 

  番 3:20> 神的应许终会实现,只是…… 

  3:20 不少译本在这节中有“在你们眼前”一句,但这也不一定是意味这个应许会在西番雅那一代实现。这里所指的是,回归明显是神的工作。 

  番 3:20> 这是希望之音── 

  3:20 本书开头的灭亡信息到最后成了希望的信息。当神赐福百姓的时候,日子就会焕然一新。今天教会的领袖假如也从神的先知听到信息,内容多半会与西番雅书相似。在约西亚的宗教改革下,百姓的确转向了神,可惜只是外在的转变,他们的内心仍然离神甚远。西番雅鼓励全国上下同心聚集,为得着救赎祈祷。我们也应问问自己:今天我们的改变是虚有其表,还是生命和心灵都更新了?我们也要聚集祷告,谦卑地与神同行,秉公行义,并聆听关于将来新世界的希望信息。──《灵修版圣经注释》