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旧约 - 耶利米哀歌(Lamentations)第5章

Remember, O LORD, what has happened to us; look, and see our disgrace.
Our inheritance has been turned over to aliens, our homes to foreigners.
We have become orphans and fatherless, our mothers like widows.
We must buy the water we drink; our wood can be had only at a price.
Those who pursue us are at our heels; we are weary and find no rest.
We submitted to Egypt and Assyria to get enough bread.
Our fathers sinned and are no more, and we bear their punishment.
Slaves rule over us, and there is none to free us from their hands.
We get our bread at the risk of our lives because of the sword in the desert.
Our skin is hot as an oven, feverish from hunger.
Women have been ravished in Zion, and virgins in the towns of Judah.
Princes have been hung up by their hands; elders are shown no respect.
Young men toil at the millstones; boys stagger under loads of wood.
The elders are gone from the city gate; the young men have stopped their music.
Joy is gone from our hearts; our dancing has turned to mourning.
The crown has fallen from our head. Woe to us, for we have sinned!
Because of this our hearts are faint, because of these things our eyes grow dim
for Mount Zion, which lies desolate, with jackals prowling over it.
You, O LORD, reign forever; your throne endures from generation to generation.
Why do you always forget us? Why do you forsake us so long?
Restore us to yourself, O LORD, that we may return; renew our days as of old
unless you have utterly rejected us and are angry with us beyond measure.
耶利米哀歌第五章   第 5 章 

  哀 5 章 > 向神诉苦也不忘忏悔,我也是这样做的吗? 

  5 章 在充满悲伤时,真的相信神的人应向主祷告。耶利米在这里为他的人民祷告。在他祷告结束前,他提到神“向我们大发烈怒”,但是神不会永远生他们的气,正如弥迦书 7 章 18 节所说:神是“不永远怀怒,喜爱施恩”的。 

  哀 5:14> 老年人在城门口断绝,是何等悲哀的情景…… 

  5:14 在和平盛世之时,领导者和城中的长老,会坐在城门口讨论政治、神学、哲学和道德操守等问题。 

  哀 5:22> 不破不立,这也是神使人归向祂的方法吧? 

  5:22 神的召唤遭到人民的藐视,以致人民遭受灾难。耶利米哀歌向我们展示了一幅画面:耶路撒冷人民因犯罪而受苦,他们在世的所有生活目标都崩溃了。虽然神远离他们,但并没有放弃他们;那也是他们最大的希望,即使他们过去罪恶深重,但只要他们回心转意,神便会复兴他们。希望只在神那里。所以我们的悲伤应该使我们归向神,而不是使我们远离祂。──《灵修版圣经注释》