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旧约 - 耶利米书(Jeremiah)第2章

The word of the LORD came to me:
"Go and proclaim in the hearing of Jerusalem: "'I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me and followed me through the desert, through a land not sown.
Israel was holy to the LORD, the firstfruits of his harvest; all who devoured her were held guilty, and disaster overtook them,'" declares the LORD.
Hear the word of the LORD, O house of Jacob, all you clans of the house of Israel.
This is what the LORD says: "What fault did your fathers find in me, that they strayed so far from me? They followed worthless idols and became worthless themselves.
They did not ask, 'Where is the LORD, who brought us up out of Egypt and led us through the barren wilderness, through a land of deserts and rifts, a land of drought and darkness, a land where no one travels and no one lives?'
I brought you into a fertile land to eat its fruit and rich produce. But you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable.
The priests did not ask, 'Where is the LORD?' Those who deal with the law did not know me; the leaders rebelled against me. The prophets prophesied by Baal, following worthless idols.
"Therefore I bring charges against you again," declares the LORD. "And I will bring charges against your children's children.
Cross over to the coasts of Kittim and look, send to Kedar and observe closely; see if there has ever been anything like this:
Has a nation ever changed its gods? (Yet they are not gods at all.) But my people have exchanged their Glory for worthless idols.
Be appalled at this, O heavens, and shudder with great horror," declares the LORD.
"My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.
Is Israel a servant, a slave by birth? Why then has he become plunder?
Lions have roared; they have growled at him. They have laid waste his land; his towns are burned and deserted.
Also, the men of Memphis and Tahpanhes have shaved the crown of your head.
Have you not brought this on yourselves by forsaking the LORD your God when he led you in the way?
Now why go to Egypt to drink water from the Shihor? And why go to Assyria to drink water from the River?
Your wickedness will punish you; your backsliding will rebuke you. Consider then and realize how evil and bitter it is for you when you forsake the LORD your God and have no awe of me," declares the Lord, the LORD Almighty.
"Long ago you broke off your yoke and tore off your bonds; you said, 'I will not serve you!' Indeed, on every high hill and under every spreading tree you lay down as a prostitute.
I had planted you like a choice vine of sound and reliable stock. How then did you turn against me into a corrupt, wild vine?
Although you wash yourself with soda and use an abundance of soap, the stain of your guilt is still before me," declares the Sovereign LORD.
"How can you say, 'I am not defiled; I have not run after the Baals'? See how you behaved in the valley; consider what you have done. You are a swift she-camel running here and there,
a wild donkey accustomed to the desert, sniffing the wind in her craving--in her heat who can restrain her? Any males that pursue her need not tire themselves; at mating time they will find her.
Do not run until your feet are bare and your throat is dry. But you said, 'It's no use! I love foreign gods, and I must go after them.'
"As a thief is disgraced when he is caught, so the house of Israel is disgraced--they, their kings and their officials, their priests and their prophets.
They say to wood, 'You are my father,' and to stone, 'You gave me birth.' They have turned their backs to me and not their faces; yet when they are in trouble, they say, 'Come and save us!'
Where then are the gods you made for yourselves? Let them come if they can save you when you are in trouble! For you have as many gods as you have towns, O Judah.
"Why do you bring charges against me? You have all rebelled against me," declares the LORD.
"In vain I punished your people; they did not respond to correction. Your sword has devoured your prophets like a ravening lion.
"You of this generation, consider the word of the LORD: "Have I been a desert to Israel or a land of great darkness? Why do my people say, 'We are free to roam; we will come to you no more'?
Does a maiden forget her jewelry, a bride her wedding ornaments? Yet my people have forgotten me, days without number.
How skilled you are at pursuing love! Even the worst of women can learn from your ways.
On your clothes men find the lifeblood of the innocent poor, though you did not catch them breaking in. Yet in spite of all this
you say, 'I am innocent; he is not angry with me.' But I will pass judgment on you because you say, 'I have not sinned.'
Why do you go about so much, changing your ways? You will be disappointed by Egypt as you were by Assyria.
You will also leave that place with your hands on your head, for the LORD has rejected those you trust; you will not be helped by them.
耶利米书第二章   第 2 章 

  耶 2:1-3:5> 人往往选择信赖眼前易见之物,我今天的安全感又是建筑在什么上面? 

  2:1-3:5 这段经文以婚姻关系比喻神对其子民的爱和子民对偶像的贪爱,两者对比鲜明、强烈,突出了犹大人不忠贞的罪恶。耶利米斥责犹大人(有时以首都耶路撒冷称之)常在虚无易变之物中寻求安全稳妥,却不倚靠那永恒不变的神。我们也会在自己的财物、能力或他人身上寻求安全,但这些东西定不能令我们满足。除了神以外,没有东西是永恒不变、坚固不移的。 

  耶 2:2> 求主赐我复兴之火,燃点我这渐熄的火焰…… 

  2:2 我们既然欣赏守信的朋友,自然也会对失信的人感到失望。同样,神的子民起初顺服祂,令祂感到喜悦;后来他们背约失信,令祂十分忿怒。我们会受引诱而渐渐远离神。想想你起初怎样献身顺服神,然后扪心自问现在是否依然那样真诚热心? 

  耶 2:3> 面对以色列反覆无常的爱,谁也会觉得不可理喻,然而我对神的爱也是如此吗? 

  2:3 所收的各种初熟土产(初熟果子)都是献给神的祭物(参申 26:1-11 ),以色列人历代以来都坚守这奉献的律例。以往以色列人像神的新娘,是圣洁忠贞的子民,极渴望讨神喜悦。但在耶利米时代,以色列人的表现则完全不可同日而语,形成强烈的对比。 

  耶 2:4-8> 先知藉以色列历史中的得失,引导国民检讨今天的步伐。可惜人常常重蹈前人的覆辙…… 

  2:4-8 以色列国包括“以色列家”和“雅各家”(犹大)。耶利米非常熟悉以色列的历史。众先知也多次向百姓讲述历史,主要基于以下几个理由:( 1 )提醒他们神是信实的;( 2 )令百姓不要忘记历史(当时的人没有圣经可读);( 3 )再三强调神对他们的爱;( 4 )提醒百姓以往与神的关系是何等亲密。我们当从历史中汲取教训,从成功中学习,避免重蹈覆辙。 

  耶 2:8> 混入了人性欲念的外邦宗教大受欢迎。究竟怎样慎防信仰生活受到不洁之欲念的沾染? 

  2:8 巴力是迦南宗教敬拜的主要男性神只。“众巴力”( 2:23 )指的是迦南各地皆有拜巴力的情况。巴力是生育之神,拜祭巴力时,人们在邱坛祭献牲畜,并以男女交合作为仪式的一部分。亚哈王的妻子耶洗别将拜祭巴力的宗教引进北国以色列,其后渐渐扩展至南国犹大。这种以性为拜祭中心的宗教,一直是蒙召过圣洁生活的以色列人的绊脚石。 

  耶 2:10> 有时,拜别神的人好像真的有更敬虔的外貌…… 

  2:10 神指出像基堤(即在西边的塞浦路斯)和基达(即巴勒斯坦以东的沙漠地带,是阿拉伯人聚居之地)这样的外邦国家尚能忠心敬拜他们的神,但以色列却不忠于独一的真神,反去敬拜那虚妄无用之物。 

  耶 2:13> 谁会舍活水而凿空池?然而,属神的人常有此愚行…… 

  2:13 有谁宁愿自凿池子装载雨水而舍弃涌流不息的活水泉源呢?神告诉以色列人他们离弃神而拜偶像的行为正是这样愚不可及。更糟的是他们选择了一个破裂不能储水的池子,企图以一套虚无愚妄的宗教制度来承载真理。既然神自己就是活水泉源,祂应许亲自更新我们的生命(参约 4:10 ),我们为什么还要离弃祂,依恋“池子”(金钱、权力、宗教制度或其他事物)所偶然带来的好处呢? 

  耶 2:16-17> 犹大以埃及为依,反倒受埃及的欺凌。另凿的池子不但没有活水,反而涌出了伤害…… 

  2:16-17 挪弗位于埃及下方,即今日的开罗附近。答比匿则位于埃及东北部。耶利米在这里指的可能是公元前 926 年埃及法老王示撒入侵犹大的事(参王上 14:25 ),亦可能是预言公元前 609 年埃及王尼哥攻打犹大,约西亚王被杀身亡的事(参王下 23:29-30 )。总之,耶利米想指出此下场全是因为人民背叛神的结果。 

  耶 2:22> 若不能藉着肥皂将罪污洗濯,那么还有什么洁净之途? 

  2:22 罪污不是表面的东西,以色列人的罪污连最强力的清洁剂也不能洗净。要使灵命得以洁净,必须深入心底深处,这是只有神才能够完成的工作。我们不可轻视罪的影响,以为不理它,它就会自动消失。你的罪污深深印在你的生命之中,但只要你愿意,神一定会将你的罪洗濯净尽(参赛 1:18 ;结 36:25 )。 

  耶 2:23-27> 昔日泥塑木雕的偶像使以色列人疯狂,今天让现代人沉溺的偶像又会是什么? 

  2:23-27 这里将以色列人喻为交配季节四处求偶的动物。他们像发了疯一样,拼命地追求权力、金钱、与外邦势力的联盟和各种神只。那些偶像没有来找他们,而是他们主动接触偶像,疯狂地膜拜,渐渐沉溺其中,享受罪中之乐,以致不愿再放弃。被人揭发是他们惟一感到羞辱的事。我们渴求得到某些东西,若到了不择手段、牺牲一切的地步,就意味着我们已经沉溺其中、远离神了。 

  耶 2:30> 昔日作先知会遭遇什么危险?若我蒙呼召作先知,我会怎样回应? 

  2:30 在耶利米那个时代作先知实在是十分冒险的,因为先知必须指责暴君的恶行和政策,但这却容易令人误以为是卖国贼。从历史中不难发现,先知曾因违抗暴君的命令而招致君王憎恨,亦曾因阻止百姓拜偶像而令百姓对他们恨之入骨(参徒 7:52 )。 

  耶 2:31-32> 我是否隐隐觉得神是我的束缚?是否曾想过不如将祂抛诸脑后罢了? 

  2:31-32 不论是刻意还是无心,忘本都是很危险的事。以色列人热衷于追求世间的享乐,沉醉其间而忘记神。我们越是着眼于世间的享乐,就越容易忘记神的眷顾、神的慈爱、神的信实和引导,甚至完全把神抛诸脑后。哪些事情是你感到最快乐的呢?你最近忘记了神没有? 

  耶 2:36> 为什么以色列与世界上最强大的帝国结盟是错误的?这是政治问题吗? 

  2:36 神并非反对国与国之间互相联盟或共同合作,而是反对人们倚赖人的力量多于倚靠祂,这正是耶利米时代的问题。在大卫及所罗门朝代之后以色列国分裂,主要原因是领袖不再倚靠独一真神耶和华,反而求之于盟国和偶像的力量。他们企图以强国间互相制衡的方法令自己得到保护。犹大国不久就发现与埃及结盟跟以前和亚述结盟的结果实在没有两样,都是叫人失望(参王下 16:8-9 ;赛 7:13-25 )。──《灵修版圣经注释》