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旧约 - 尼希米记(Nehemiah)第2章

And it came to pass in the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, that wine was before him: and I took up the wine, and gave it unto the king. Now I had not been beforetime sad in his presence.
Wherefore the king said unto me, Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart. Then I was very sore afraid,
And said unto the king, Let the king live for ever: why should not my countenance be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers' sepulchres, lieth waste, and the gates thereof are consumed with fire?
Then the king said unto me, For what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven.
And I said unto the king, If it please the king, and if thy servant have found favour in thy sight, that thou wouldest send me unto Judah, unto the city of my fathers' sepulchres, that I may build it.
And the king said unto me, (the queen also sitting by him,) For how long shall thy journey be? and when wilt thou return? So it pleased the king to send me; and I set him a time.
Moreover I said unto the king, If it please the king, let letters be given me to the governors beyond the river, that they may convey me over till I come into Judah;
And a letter unto Asaph the keeper of the king's forest, that he may give me timber to make beams for the gates of the palace which appertained to the house, and for the wall of the city, and for the house that I shall enter into. And the king granted me, according to the good hand of my God upon me.
Then I came to the governors beyond the river, and gave them the king's letters. Now the king had sent captains of the army and horsemen with me.
When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.
So I came to Jerusalem, and was there three days.
And I arose in the night, I and some few men with me; neither told I any man what my God had put in my heart to do at Jerusalem: neither was there any beast with me, save the beast that I rode upon.
And I went out by night by the gate of the valley, even before the dragon well, and to the dung port, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and the gates thereof were consumed with fire.
Then I went on to the gate of the fountain, and to the king's pool: but there was no place for the beast that was under me to pass.
Then went I up in the night by the brook, and viewed the wall, and turned back, and entered by the gate of the valley, and so returned.
And the rulers knew not whither I went, or what I did; neither had I as yet told it to the Jews, nor to the priests, nor to the nobles, nor to the rulers, nor to the rest that did the work.
Then said I unto them, Ye see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach.
Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.
But when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arabian, heard it, they laughed us to scorn, and despised us, and said, What is this thing that ye do? will ye rebel against the king?
Then answered I them, and said unto them, The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem.
尼希米记第二章   第 2 章 


  尼 2:2> 尼希米为什么那么害怕? 

  2:2 王察觉到尼希米的愁容,令尼希米甚是惧怕,因为任何人露出愁颜令王不悦的话,王都有权赐他死罪,因为穿麻衣的不可进朝门,而愁容满面与披麻蒙灰无异(参斯 4:2 )。 

  尼 2:2-3> 尼希米没有因惧怕而畏惧不前,通常我在害怕时会怎么做呢? 

  2:2-3 尼希米不因惶恐而感到耻辱,也未因此停止了神交托的工作。若我们让恐惧控制自己,便等于承认恐惧胜过神。当神呼召你时,你畏缩了吗?神已胜过恐惧;你先要找出惧怕的原因,并要明白,只要是出于神的,祂必定帮助你完成这工。 

  尼 2:4> 在那种情况下,尼希米仍不忘求问神的旨意,我和他有没有差距?为什么? 

  2:4 尼希米没多考虑,便立刻跪下祷告。在尼希米记中,先后有八次他发自内心的祈祷( 2:4 ; 4:4-5 , 9 ; 5:19 ; 6:14 ; 13:14 , 22 , 29 )。尼希米随时祷告,因他知道神掌管一切,与他同在并乐意聆听和回应他的祈求。尼希米有信心地祈祷,因为恒常祷告,使他与神更亲密了( 1:4-7 )。若我们想祷告达到神面前,必须花时间深入地祈祷,才能与神建立亲密的关系。 

  尼 2:6> 尼希米知道他要回去多久吗?他会怎么回答王?换了你呢? 

  2:6 王问尼希米要去多少日子,圣经没有记载他即时的答覆,结果他在耶路撒冷住了十二年( 5:14 ; 13:6 )。 

  尼 2:7-8> 求人帮助应该吗?找谁帮助? 

  2:7-8 尼希米祈祷后,便求王准他返回犹大。王答应了,尼希米再求王提供更多的帮助。当我们需要帮助的时候,常常害怕接触适当的人,踌躇是否该向他们提出请求。尼希米直接找那最能帮他的人。不要犹疑,去找那最能帮你的人吧!他们可能比你想像中更容易接近,或者神正要透过别人的帮助,来回应你的祈求。 

  尼 2:8> “这件事多亏了我……”──有没有想到神的帮助? 

  2:8 尼希米有地位和权力,也有优秀的组织能力,但他明白如果没有神施恩的手,他的努力都是枉然。你知道你的力量和天赋都是从神而来的吗? 

  尼 2:9-10,19> 开展神的事工总会遇到阻力,你有没有足够的应对办法? 

  2:9-10,19 尼希米一回到犹大,便立刻遇到阻挠。外邦人反对犹太人重建耶路撒冷,已历时九十年。每一个世代都有人敌视神的儿女,要阻碍神的旨意。当你为神做工时,也可能有人来搅扰你,盼你一败涂地。如果你能预计将临的阻力,便可以先作准备,避免到时惊慌失措(参约壹 3:13 )。明白神在掌管一切,便是激发你勇往直前、驱走仇敌的最强动力。 

  尼 2:10> 参巴拉、多比雅是何许人也? 

  2:10 参巴拉是撒马利亚的省长,多比雅可能是河东的省长。这些政府官员,对尼希米和少数回归的以色列人十分关注,原因如下:( 1 )所罗巴伯领首批以色列人回归时(参拉 1:2 ),拒绝撒马利亚人的帮助,双方关系闹僵了。( 2 )尼希米并非一般俘虏,他是王的私人顾问和酒政,他带着王的谕旨回耶路撒冷,要重建全城和加强圣城的防御力量。自犹大人被掳后,撒马利亚人便接手管理他们的土地。现在耶路撒冷重建,意味着撒马利亚人的治权受到威胁。( 3 )这次是第三批人回国,耶路撒冷的人口渐增令参巴拉和多比雅愤怒,因他们不想以色列人控制该地,而威胁自己的地位。 

  尼 2:11-17> 尼希米如何制定工作计划的?有哪些地方值得学习? 

  2:11-17 尼希米悄悄地回到耶路撒冷,用了几天时间,察看城墙的损毁程度。经过深思熟虑,他充满信心地提出了一套计划。他示范了一个解决问题的好途径──先搜集资料,详细分析形势,然后提出可行的策略。你应该学习尼希米,开始工作前预先作周详计划,查考所有资料,肯定你的建议是切实可行的,再充满信心地介绍你的方案。 

  尼 2:14> 2:14 城墙损毁不堪,尼希米所骑的牲口无法通过,只好徒步上山视察。 

  尼 2:15> 尼希米为何要在夜里视察?为何要保密? 

  2:15 尼希米对身负的使命保持缄默,在深夜视察城墙,是为了避免他的巡视引起各种不利谣言,并防止敌人对他的计划起戒心。惟有审慎计划,一切准备就绪,他才将神托付的使命公诸于世。若时机未成熟便公布计划,可能会导致犹太人的反对。尼希米不愿被冗长费时的计划会议耽误时间,他要的是一个能够坐言起行的计划。 

  尼 2:17-18> 异象一定要用眼睛看到才算吗? 

  2:17-18 异象常叫人灵性复兴。尼希米领受了异象,满怀热诚与耶路撒冷的领袖们分享,激动他们重建城墙。 


  尼 2:19> 对敌人的指责应该怎样反击?尼希米是怎样作的? 

  2:19 参巴拉和多比雅指责重建城墙是叛乱行为,甚至威胁要告御状。他们指责参与建造的人是卖国贼。仇敌们还嘲讽尼希米,说城墙损毁严重,根本无法重建。尼希米没有告诉他们其实王早已批准重建,只说这是神的意思。其实这样的一句话便已足够了。──《灵修版圣经注释》