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旧约 - 士师记(Judges)第18章

In those days Israel had no king. And in those days the tribe of the Danites was seeking a place of their own where they might settle, because they had not yet come into an inheritance among the tribes of Israel.
So the Danites sent five warriors from Zorah and Eshtaol to spy out the land and explore it. These men represented all their clans. They told them, "Go, explore the land." The men entered the hill country of Ephraim and came to the house of Micah, where they spent the night.
When they were near Micah's house, they recognized the voice of the young Levite; so they turned in there and asked him, "Who brought you here? What are you doing in this place? Why are you here?"
He told them what Micah had done for him, and said, "He has hired me and I am his priest."
Then they said to him, "Please inquire of God to learn whether our journey will be successful."
The priest answered them, "Go in peace. Your journey has the LORD'S approval."
So the five men left and came to Laish, where they saw that the people were living in safety, like the Sidonians, unsuspecting and secure. And since their land lacked nothing, they were prosperous. Also, they lived a long way from the Sidonians and had no relationship with anyone else.
When they returned to Zorah and Eshtaol, their brothers asked them, "How did you find things?"
They answered, "Come on, let's attack them! We have seen that the land is very good. Aren't you going to do something? Don't hesitate to go there and take it over.
When you get there, you will find an unsuspecting people and a spacious land that God has put into your hands, a land that lacks nothing whatever."
Then six hundred men from the clan of the Danites, armed for battle, set out from Zorah and Eshtaol.
On their way they set up camp near Kiriath Jearim in Judah. This is why the place west of Kiriath Jearim is called Mahaneh Dan to this day.
From there they went on to the hill country of Ephraim and came to Micah's house.
Then the five men who had spied out the land of Laish said to their brothers, "Do you know that one of these houses has an ephod, other household gods, a carved image and a cast idol? Now you know what to do."
So they turned in there and went to the house of the young Levite at Micah's place and greeted him.
The six hundred Danites, armed for battle, stood at the entrance to the gate.
The five men who had spied out the land went inside and took the carved image, the ephod, the other household gods and the cast idol while the priest and the six hundred armed men stood at the entrance to the gate.
When these men went into Micah's house and took the carved image, the ephod, the other household gods and the cast idol, the priest said to them, "What are you doing?"
They answered him, "Be quiet! Don't say a word. Come with us, and be our father and priest. Isn't it better that you serve a tribe and clan in Israel as priest rather than just one man's household?"
Then the priest was glad. He took the ephod, the other household gods and the carved image and went along with the people.
Putting their little children, their livestock and their possessions in front of them, they turned away and left.
When they had gone some distance from Micah's house, the men who lived near Micah were called together and overtook the Danites.
As they shouted after them, the Danites turned and said to Micah, "What's the matter with you that you called out your men to fight?"
He replied, "You took the gods I made, and my priest, and went away. What else do I have? How can you ask, 'What's the matter with you?'"
The Danites answered, "Don't argue with us, or some hot-tempered men will attack you, and you and your family will lose your lives."
So the Danites went their way, and Micah, seeing that they were too strong for him, turned around and went back home.
Then they took what Micah had made, and his priest, and went on to Laish, against a peaceful and unsuspecting people. They attacked them with the sword and burned down their city.
There was no one to rescue them because they lived a long way from Sidon and had no relationship with anyone else. The city was in a valley near Beth Rehob. The Danites rebuilt the city and settled there.
They named it Dan after their forefather Dan, who was born to Israel--though the city used to be called Laish.
There the Danites set up for themselves the idols, and Jonathan son of Gershom, the son of Moses, and his sons were priests for the tribe of Dan until the time of the captivity of the land.
They continued to use the idols Micah had made, all the time the house of God was in Shiloh.
士师记第十八章   第 18 章 

  士 18:1> 但支派怎么还未“得地为业”? 

  18:1 约书亚已经将足够的地分给但支派居住(参书 19:40-48 )。但是,因为他们没有倚靠神的帮助去占领那地业,所以亚摩利人强逼他们进入山地,不容他们下到平原( 1:34 )。他们不去争战夺取自己分得之地,反喜欢往北面去找新地方,因那里的居民比较容易对付。在他们往北行的时候,有些人经过米迦的家,偷了他的偶像。 

  士 18:4-6> 米迦在家中设立“私人祭司”有何不妥? 

  18:4-6 祭司和协助他们的人,皆是利未支派的人(参民 3:5-13 )。他们要服事百姓,教导他们敬拜神之道,并且在示罗会幕以及在境内指派的城市举行敬拜的礼仪。而这个不顺命的祭司显出对神的不尊敬,因为( 1 )他在家庭中举行礼仪。祭司的职分应单单在会幕里,或神指定的城邑里履行。这种规定的目的,在于防止人改变神的律法。( 2 )他带去偶像( 18:20 )。( 3 )他声称为神发言,其实神并没有藉着他说话( 18:6 )。 

  士 18:11-26> 我为什么去教会? 

  18:11-26 从这整件事看来,并没有人想敬拜神;相反的,他们都想利用神,得到好处达到自己的目的。现在有些人去教会是为着使自己心灵有寄托,被人接纳,卸脱罪咎,跟生意上的朋友打交道,拉生意。所以要小心,不要为私利去顺服神,乃要作舍己的事奉和敬拜。 

  士 18:14> 18:14 以弗得是祭司在举行礼仪时所穿的背心。 

  士 18:24> 如果我失去了有形无形的财产、名誉、地位,是否就一无所有? 

  18: 24 米 迦制造偶像,又雇一个祭司来料理他家人的宗教事务。在但人夺去他的偶像和祭司的时候,他就落个一无所有。这是何等虚空的属灵光景!偶像本来毫无价值,竟然在人的生活中取代了神。有些人殚精竭虑地追逐金钱、成就、财产、事业,把这些当作偶像,如果这些偶像被挪去的话,就只剩下空壳。要想保护你自己不受那样的损失,惟有将你一生全投入永活的神身上,衪是你永远不会失去的。 

  士 18:27> 拉亿城也属于应灭之城吗? 

  18:27 但支派的人有没有权利屠杀拉亿城的人呢?绝对没有。神吩咐以色列人要肃清、毁灭某些城市,是因为那里敬拜偶像与邪恶,但拉亿并不列在其中。它并不在分给但支派的地业内,那地的百姓也是安居平和之民,和好战的迦南人有天壤之别。但是但支派的人罔顾神的律法。神的律法只吩咐他们毁灭拜偶像的城市(参申 13:12-15 )。但支派的人本身就犯了这种罪。这件事说明这支派已偏离神到了何等严重的程度。 

  士 18:27> 但支派攻下拉亿城是得了神的默许吗? 

  18:27 我们不能只看但支派的人顺利地攻占了拉亿,就认为他们的行动是合理的。他们敬拜偶像的事表明,神并没有与他们同行。现在有许多人以表面的成功,证明他们错误的行动是合理的。他们以为财富、声誉、或者不遭患难,皆是神赐福的表征。但是圣经中有许多故事说明,行恶也会得到属世的顺利(参王下 14:23-29 )。成功并不表明神的悦纳。不要以个人的成功,作为你是否讨神喜悦的标准。 

  士 18:30-31> 我有没有以神不喜欢的方式敬拜祂,像但人一样? 

  18:30-31 但支派的人偷了米迦家中的神像以后,把它放在拉亿。他们敬拜这些偶像,实际上是否认神(参出 20:1-5 ),但他们可能以为可藉此敬拜神(参出 32:4-5 的注释)。敬拜神像,即使在有些方面与真正的敬拜方式相似,也不是敬拜神。现代人犯这同样的错误,他们说自己是基督徒,却并不真正的相信神的大能,或改变行为以符合神的期望。敬虔不能只是口头上的宣称,它必须真真实实地成为我们的动机与行为。 

  但支派的人往北方觅地居住 \cf0 

  士 18:31> 这句话里含了什么意思? 

  18:31 示罗可能于撒母耳记上第四、 五两 章所记载的事件中被毁;那些事件发生在此处所述的时间后不久。因为示罗是以色列人的宗教中心,所以神的律法规定,所有的男丁都要一年三次上去守宗教节期。但是,但支派的人在他们新占领的地界之中设立偶像和祭司。那地距离示罗约有 129 公里,这就可能成为他们不遵守律法规定的藉口。这件事进一步表明他们不尊敬神。 

  士 18:31> 我是有些不好的习惯,但也不算什么大毛病,所以…… 

  18:31 神将利未祭司散布在以色列全地,以及在示罗设立会幕,使以色列人保持真正的敬拜。这事件说明异教的感染力和败坏的道德,会渗入以色列人习俗的每个角落。他们进入应许地以后,虽过了三百年,仍未能将那地拜偶像的邪风恶俗除去。 
