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新约 - 罗马书(Romans)第5章

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;
perseverance, character; and character, hope.
And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.
Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him!
For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!
Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned--
for before the law was given, sin was in the world. But sin is not taken into account when there is no law.
Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who was a pattern of the one to come.
But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God's grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!
Again, the gift of God is not like the result of the one man's sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification.
For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.
Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men.
For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
The law was added so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more,
so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
罗马书第五章   罗 5:1> 能够与人和好,你很欢喜;能够与神和好呢?你也向往呀…… 

  5:1 我们如今与神相和,这是一种非一般安定平静的感觉。与神和好表示我们跟祂恢复了和谐的关系,没有罪的阻隔、彼此再无嫌隙。只有耶稣死在十字架上,为我们的罪付上代价,我们才能够与神和好。 

  罗 5:1-5> 我们相信了基督,还要受苦?谁可以帮助我们? 

  5:1-5 这是新段落的开始,其中包括一些比较复杂的概念。为方便了解下面四章经文,我们必须从基督徒生活的两个方面去思考:一方面,我们完全在基督里(我们接受了基督,这是肯定的);另外一方面,我们又要在基督里成长(越来越跟祂相似)。如此一来,我们在同一时间内便拥有了君王跟奴仆的双重身分,感受到基督的同在以及罪恶的压力;既享受与神和好的喜乐,又要面对成长带来的许多困难。但是只要谨记这两方面,在试探和困难来临时我们就不会感到气馁,并能学习倚靠基督赐给我们的能力,祂藉着圣灵住在我们的生命之中。 

  罗 5:2-5> 信、望、爱这三个词你也很熟悉,只是论到如何与我们的信仰连在一起,这…… 

  5:2-5 跟保罗在哥林多前书 13 章 13 节所指出的相同,信、望、爱是基督徒生活的核心。我们跟神的关系由信开始,这信使我们知道是基督的死使我们从昔日的生活中得到释放;当我们知道神为我们所做的,我们就对将来更有盼望。同时,神的爱充满我们,使我们有能力,并去帮助别人。 

  罗 5:3-4> 成长会带来很多痛苦的经历,在基督里成长亦然,保罗却叫我要喜乐,真可以吗? 

  5:3-4 对第一世纪的信徒来说,忍受苦难已经是“家常便饭”。保罗告诉我们,信徒必须经历很多困难才会成长。在患难中欢喜并非因为我们喜欢痛苦,而是知道神藉着各种困难和撒但的攻击来建立我们的品格,培养坚忍的心志,使我们更刚强、更信靠神,也叫我们对将来更有盼望。你可能也要天天忍受不同的考验,这正是你成长的机会,感谢神并且依靠祂的力量去战胜这些困难吧(参雅 1:2-4 ;彼前 1:6-7 )。 

  罗 5:5-6> 神差爱子为我死;耶稣舍身担我罪;圣灵临在伴我行,我以什么回应神? 

  5:5-6 三一神都参与在救恩之中。天父爱我们,所以差遣祂的儿子来,为我们建造一条通往神的道路(参约 3:16 );圣父和圣子差派圣灵来用爱充满我们,使我们得着能力为主而活(参徒 1:8 )。我们得到这般无微不至的爱护,怎么能不全心全意地事奉祂呢? 

  罗 5:5-6> 我有时也真不明白,为何神定要拯救人类呢,不可以叫人自己做好一点吗? 

  5:5-6 我们是软弱的,因为不能靠自己的力量得救,必须有人来救我们。按照神的计划,基督会在最适当的时间降世,并且施行拯救。神掌管着历史,基督死亡的时间、方法和结果,都在祂的策划之下。 

  罗 5:8> 只有祂才有那样的爱,不是吗,在我还是罪人的时候,祂就……我可以为祂做什么? 

  5:8 “在我们还作罪人的时候”,何等奇妙!神叫耶稣基督为我们死,不是因为我们好,而是因为祂爱我们。要是你对神的爱感到没什么把握,请记住在你还没有归向祂之前,祂已经爱你了! 


  罗 5:9-10> 要去爱嘛,好像要很大的力量,我不是不想,只是我…… 

  5:9-10 是爱驱使基督代替我们死,也是同样的爱使圣灵住在我们当中,每日引导我们。基督从死里复活的能力救赎我们,在日常生活中支持我们。你必须确知,从你成为基督徒开始,你已经获得足够的爱和能力,使你能面对各样的挑战和试炼。你可以祈求神赐给你所需用的爱和能力。 

  罗 5:11> 本要因一己的罪而死的人,只因有祂,生活就不一样了,怎么不同?看看自己…… 

  5:11 神是圣洁的,祂不能跟罪有任何联系。所有人都犯了罪,跟神隔绝,并且招致刑罚。不过基督并没有让我们承受这些刑罚,反而承担了我们的罪,替我们死了。如今藉着相信基督,我们与神和好了,从此“以神为乐”,不再与神为仇了。 

  罗 5:12> 也许你会问,为何始祖犯罪,我要承担,但你有没有听过本是同根生?你认为呢? 

  5:12 我们怎么可能因为远古的亚当犯罪而被定罪呢?许多人对神因亚当的罪而审判我们感到不公平,但是事实上,我们每个人每一天所犯的罪,都叫我们跟亚当联合。我们跟亚当同样都是泥土造的,都有悖逆的倾向,所以同样必须为所犯的罪接受审判。因为我们都是罪人,我们要的不是公平,乃是神的怜悯! 

  罗 5:13-14> 人因为违反律法才招至死亡的吗? 

  5:13-14 保罗多次申明人不能靠守律法得救。这里他再补充说,人不是因为违反律法而招致死亡,而是由于亚当犯罪和我们众人犯罪的结果。保罗提醒我们,早在律法颁布之前就有死亡。律法颁布的目的,是帮助人知道自己的罪并且看到干犯神的严重性,促使人向神寻求怜悯和饶恕。律法只能诊症,不能治病;如果你承认自己有罪,就要归向耶稣基督,寻求祂的医治。 %5 

  罗 5:14> 亚当是预像,那耶稣呢? 

  5:14 亚当是个预表,和他相对的是基督。亚当是受造之人的代表,基督则是属灵新人的代表。 

  罗 5:15-19> 罪因一人来,因一人得除;我感到很幸运,因为我们有选择,你选了耶稣没有? 

  5:15-19 从肉体而言,我们同属于亚当的大家庭,同样面对着死亡。亚当的罪和犯罪的倾向遗传给我们,使我们承受罪的恶果和神的刑罚。但是因着耶稣,赦免代替审判;我们的罪换来彰显神的公义。基督赦免我们,让我们成为属灵家庭的一分子,并且把我们引向永生。如果我们不理会神,就会因亚当而步向灭亡,如果我们凭着信来到神面前,就可以藉着基督得到生命。你如今属于哪一个家庭? 

  罗 5:17> 耶稣在我的生命中作王,我就别无可怕──连试探也不怕? 

  5:17 对于那些爱耶稣的人来说,这是何等大的应许!我们可以胜过罪的权势、死亡的威吓和撒但的攻击。我们现在和将来都享有永生。在耶稣基督的能力和保护之下,我们可以胜过试探。(有关我们在基督里所享的权利,请参 8:17 )。 

  罗 5:20> 罪虽多,恩典更加多。这神真奇妙,祂如何成就这事? 

  5:20 对于一个跟神隔绝的罪人来说,律法是高不可攀的;要藉此爬上去接触神,实在难过登天。但是只要信靠耶稣基督,并且倚靠祂大能的膀臂,就会发觉祂可以使我们越过律法的阶梯,直接到达神那里。一旦我们与神同在,便得到顺从的自由了,这是因着爱,而非因需要;是靠着神的能力,而非自己的力量。我们知道,即使不慎失足,也不会一蹶不振,因为有基督慈爱的手握紧我们、支持我们。