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新约 - 约翰福音(John)第10章

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.
This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them.
Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.
All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.
I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.
The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.
I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
There was a division therefore again among the Jews for these sayings.
And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him?
Others said, These are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?
And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.
And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch.
Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.
Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me.
But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
I and my Father are one.
Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?
If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.
But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.
Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand,
And went away again beyond Jordan into the place where John at first baptized; and there he abode.
And many resorted unto him, and said, John did no miracle: but all things that John spake of this man were true.
And many believed on him there.
约翰福音第十章   第 10 章 

  约 10:1> 问你一道常识题,一个好牧人的特质是?耶稣可以算是好牧人吗? 

  10:1 牧羊人在晚上经常把羊圈到羊圈里,以免被盗、被野兽侵袭或遭风吹雨打。当时人们多利用山洞作羊圈,也有些在一些空旷地方,用石头或树枝围着作羊圈,牧羊人常睡在羊圈内保护羊群。耶稣这个好牧者,就像牧羊人照顾羊群一样照顾跟随祂的人。先知以西结预言弥赛亚的来临时,也称祂为“牧人”(参结 34:23 )。 

  约 10:7> 耶稣就是门,没有祂人就没法进到安全的地方,你可相信?你愿意走进去吗? 

  10:7 羊圈内,牧羊人就好像一扇门,让羊群进出并保护它们。耶稣就是门,必须经过祂,我们才能得到神的救恩,祂也是我们的保护者,给我们安全保护。但有些人不满耶稣自称是门,是惟一到神面前的途径。其实耶稣是神的儿子,我们何必再去找别的方法或途径到神那里呢?(参 14:6 注译。) 

  约 10:10> 祂说祂来要给人丰盛的生命,你还没有得到?是祂说谎了,还是…… 

  10:10 耶稣与盗贼相反,祂来是要赐人生命,丰盛的生命。因为祂的饶恕、慈爱和爱顾,我们已经开始的永恒生命就更加丰盛了。你得着基督所赐的生命了吗? 


  约 10:11-12> 我心知道祂是好牧人,真的,我知道,让我告诉你,那次跟那次祂…… 

  10:11-12 雇工只为金钱而看守羊群,牧人则为着爱,专心照料自己的羊;耶稣不单是履行责任,祂更爱我们,甚至为我们舍命。伪冒的教师和假先知就不会有这种奉献了。 

  约 10:16> 羊还有“我的羊”和“别的羊”之分别吗? 

  10:16 “别的羊”指犹太人以外的人,耶稣来救犹太人,也救外邦人,这话点出祂的使命──为全人类的罪而死。 

  约 10:17-18> 耶稣会死,但谁也不能杀祂,也不是人说杀就可以,看似矛盾,但有原因的…… 

  10:17-18 耶稣的死亡与复活全在神的掌管下,是神拯救世人计划的重要部分。没有神的允许,任何人都不能将祂杀害。 

  约 10:19-20> 在你骂他们竟看耶稣是疯子的时候,可以问自己看耶稣是── 

  10:19-20 假使耶稣只是人,又自称为神,祂就是疯子,但祂行的神迹证明祂的话是真的──祂的确是神。这些犹太领袖被偏见蒙蔽了,只把耶稣看作普通人,所以不能看得更深入。但耶稣不受他们狭隘的眼光所局限。 

  约 10:22-23> 修殿节是怎么来的? 

  10:22-23 修殿节是记念玛喀比于公元前 164 年洁净圣殿,在此之前叙利亚王伊比芬尼曾在坛上献猪作为燔祭,亵渎了圣殿。这个节日在十二月下旬庆祝,即今日的 " 烛光节 " 。 

  约 10:23> 10:23 所罗门廊是圣殿庭院内一个有上盖的廊子,以巨大的石柱承托着。 

  约 10:24> 那些宗教领袖不信耶稣只因耶稣不是他们所想像的;今天的人不信又为何? 

  10:24 这些领袖在等待一些他们认为可以证明耶稣身分的迹象和答覆,所以耶稣讲的道他们听不进去。耶稣常更正他们错误的观念,但他们却死守自己的一套,坚持认为神会派另一个模样的救世主来。这种盲目的心态至今仍使人远离耶稣,他们期望弥赛亚是跟自己心目中所想的一样,如果跟随祂要改变自己的生命,便宁愿不接受祂。 


  约 10:28-29> 世界邪恶,不用怕?人心难测,不用怕?因为我们有…… 

  10:28-29 耶稣保护祂的子民免受永久的损害,就如牧人保护自己的羊一样。信徒虽然可预见在世上会受苦难,撒但却不能伤害他们的灵魂,也不能夺去他们与神共享的永生。这个世界是撒但的天下,我们纵然有理由感到害怕,但选择了跟随耶稣,就会得到耶稣所赐的永远平安。 

  约 10:30-31> 耶稣明明是神,那些宗教领袖为何要杀死祂? 

  10:30-31 这话最能清楚地表明耶稣是神──祂和父神原为一体,祂们有不同的位格,本质和本性上却是一体的。所以,耶稣不仅是一位好老师,更是神。祂自称为神的宣称是真实无讹的。宗教领袖想要杀害祂,因为他们的律法指明,谁自称为神便得处死。什么也不能叫他们信服耶稣的宣称是真的。 

  约 10:31> 按照律法,自称为神的要…… 

  10:31 犹太领袖想按照律法的指示,处罚亵渎神、自称为神的人,要用石头打死耶稣(参利 24:16 )。 

  约 10:34-36> 耶稣真棒,不与宗教领袖硬碰,你看祂如何驳斥他们? 

  10:34-36 耶稣引用诗篇 82 篇 6 节指以色列的君王和士师也被称为“神”(参出 4:16 ; 7:1 )。以色列的领袖只因承受神的启示和旨意,而被神称他们为“神”;那么,耶稣称自己为神的儿子又怎能说是亵渎神呢?耶稣谴责他们,因为祂是与父神合而为一的独生子。 

  约 10:35> 我们信耶稣,可不是信圣经,为何要读圣经守其言? 

  10:35 “经上的话是不能废的”这话清楚说出圣经的真理,我们接受基督为我们的主,便会接受祂的见证:圣经是神的话语。 ──《灵修版圣经注释》