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旧约 - 哈巴谷书(Habakkuk)第2章

I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint.
Then the LORD replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.
For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.
"See, he is puffed up; his desires are not upright--but the righteous will live by his faith--
indeed, wine betrays him; he is arrogant and never at rest. Because he is as greedy as the grave and like death is never satisfied, he gathers to himself all the nations and takes captive all the peoples.
"Will not all of them taunt him with ridicule and scorn, saying, "'Woe to him who piles up stolen goods and makes himself wealthy by extortion! How long must this go on?'
Will not your debtors suddenly arise? Will they not wake up and make you tremble? Then you will become their victim.
Because you have plundered many nations, the peoples who are left will plunder you. For you have shed man's blood; you have destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them.
"Woe to him who builds his realm by unjust gain to set his nest on high, to escape the clutches of ruin!
You have plotted the ruin of many peoples, shaming your own house and forfeiting your life.
The stones of the wall will cry out, and the beams of the woodwork will echo it.
"Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed and establishes a town by crime!
Has not the LORD Almighty determined that the people's labor is only fuel for the fire, that the nations exhaust themselves for nothing?
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
"Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors, pouring it from the wineskin till they are drunk, so that he can gaze on their naked bodies.
You will be filled with shame instead of glory. Now it is your turn! Drink and be exposed! The cup from the LORD'S right hand is coming around to you, and disgrace will cover your glory.
The violence you have done to Lebanon will overwhelm you, and your destruction of animals will terrify you. For you have shed man's blood; you have destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them.
"Of what value is an idol, since a man has carved it? Or an image that teaches lies? For he who makes it trusts in his own creation; he makes idols that cannot speak.
Woe to him who says to wood, 'Come to life!' Or to lifeless stone, 'Wake up!' Can it give guidance? It is covered with gold and silver; there is no breath in it.
But the LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him."
哈巴谷书第二章   第 2 章 

  哈 2 章 > 神的默示明明地写在版上,为什么有的人看不见?我看见吗? 

  2 章 本章记述神如何答覆哈巴谷的疑问,这包括:( 1 )罪恶势力要到何时才能受到压制( 1:2-3 );( 2 )神为什么要用巴比伦人来惩罚犹大人( 1:13 )。神说审判虽然来得缓慢,但一定会出现。祂虽用巴比伦来击打犹大,但是已经留意到巴比伦人的恶行,并要在适当时候惩罚他们。 

  哈 2:1> 先知登上守望楼等候神的信息,我的“守望楼”在哪里? 

  2:1 不少先知都用守望楼来代表等候盼望(参赛 21:8 , 11 ;耶 6:17 ;结 3:17 )。这里提到的守望楼,也代表哈巴谷的态度是静心等候神,留意神的答覆。这些用石建成的守望楼是建在城墙或了望台上,以便看守的人远远就可看见敌人或信差临近城门。不少葡萄园也建有守望台,以便守护园中成熟的果子。哈巴谷在台上等候,就是要站在最佳位置,好接受神的信息。 

  哈 2:3> “虽然迟延,还要等候”,神,这是对我说的吗? 

  2:3 世界好像尽是恶人当道,难怪基督徒也会像哈巴谷那样,感到又愤怒又失望。哈巴谷向神提出激烈的申诉,神的答覆正如回答我们一样:忍耐一下,让我在最恰当的时候,来施行我的计划吧。忍耐虽然不是容易的事,但千万不要忘记,神比我们更加厌恶罪恶。犯罪的人必定会受到审判。祂对哈巴谷说:“不要失望!”纵使我们未必晓得事情为什么要这样发生,但仍不怀疑神,这才称得上是全心的信靠祂。 

  哈 2:4> “义人因信得生”──得救本乎恩,这对我的激励…… 

  2:4 恶贯满盈的巴比伦人自以为是,势必覆灭。“惟义人因信得生”这节经文也可译作“义人必因信而活”。它曾激励过不少信徒。保罗曾引述过这段经文(参罗 1:17 ;加 3:11 );希伯来书的作者,也在着名的信心之篇前面,引述过同一段话(参来 10:38 )。对于在困苦中生活,不知前路如何的信徒来说,这句话的帮助更大。基督徒应相信神会按祂的计划,引导一切的事。 

  哈 2:4-8> 野心膨胀,欲壑难填,这些罪的后果则是── 

  2:4-8 巴比伦人骄傲自信,向来没有怀疑过自己的军事实力。他们只顾满足自己的欲望,从不管后果如何。不过这些人的罪终要被清算,被他们掳掠的人会来夺去巴比伦的一切,并耻笑他们。公义有可能来得慢,但一定会来。 

  哈 2:9-13> 积蓄不义之财是自害己命,我的财富有没有令他人受损? 

  2:9-13 巴比伦的财富建立在别人的不幸上面,以后这些不义之财将会变为烈火中的燃油,使他们引火上身。受害的城市和其中的居民,都会起来与他们对抗。金钱本身并不邪恶,神所谴责的是贪爱钱财的心,和诡诈的敛财手段(参提前 6:10 )。因此,不要为贪恋钱财而失去对神的渴慕和热心,也不要让金钱取代了家庭、朋友或神的地位。 

  哈 2:18> 烧香拜佛我不干──什么?偶像不单指这些──这…… 

  2:18 现代人拜偶像似乎不如以前普通,但其实拜偶像并非只是跪拜神只,而是指信靠人造出来的东西,也就是信靠自己所创造及所维持的一切。倘若我们口中说敬拜神,却一心仰赖自己的银行存款、家庭、工作和事业,这便与拜偶像无异。你信神过于你手所造的一切吗? 

  哈 2:20> 偶像不会说话,但神是不同的! 

  2:20 偶像没有生命,也没有位格和能力,只不过是木头或石头造出来的东西,其殿宇也是空空如也,根本没有真神在内居住。圣殿却不同,它是神的居所。这位又真又活的神满有能力,祂是完全的神。拜偶像的人会命令偶像拯救自己,但我们敬拜生命之主的,则是以尊崇的态度默然仰望祂,我们承认祂的掌管,并知道祂的行事法则。偶像并不能答覆我们的问题,但永生的神却能透过圣经向我们说话。让我们怀着敬畏的心来到祂的面前,静心等候祂要向我们说的话。──《灵修版圣经注释》