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旧约 - 诗篇(Psalms)第7章

O LORD my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me,
or they will tear me like a lion and rip me to pieces with no one to rescue me.
O LORD my God, if I have done this and there is guilt on my hands--
if I have done evil to him who is at peace with me or without cause have robbed my foe--
then let my enemy pursue and overtake me; let him trample my life to the ground and make me sleep in the dust. Selah
Arise, O LORD, in your anger; rise up against the rage of my enemies. Awake, my God; decree justice.
Let the assembled peoples gather around you. Rule over them from on high;
let the LORD judge the peoples. Judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness, according to my integrity, O Most High.
O righteous God, who searches minds and hearts, bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure.
My shield is God Most High, who saves the upright in heart.
God is a righteous judge, a God who expresses his wrath every day.
If he does not relent, he will sharpen his sword; he will bend and string his bow.
He has prepared his deadly weapons; he makes ready his flaming arrows.
He who is pregnant with evil and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment.
He who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit he has made.
The trouble he causes recoils on himself; his violence comes down on his own head.
I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.
诗篇第七篇   第 7 篇 

  诗 7 篇 > 7 篇诗题 流离歌一词可能由动词“迷失”或“漂泊”衍生而来,也可能意即“激昂”或“狂喜”。这诗以强烈的情感写成,为一首激动情绪的哀歌。 

  诗 7:1-6> 伸张公义,不是依靠人的力量,竟是在神面前的屈膝祷告? 

  7:1-6 你是否遇过被人毁谤或恶意伤害,以致想报复呢?大卫写这首诗,就是回应那些造谣中伤他的人的。他们指控大卫想杀害扫罗王,夺取王位(参撒上 24:9-11 )。大卫没有靠自己的能力去处理这件事和反击他们,他只是向神恳求公平。对于毁谤者的正确反应是祈祷,而不是报复,因为神说:“伸冤在我,我必报应。”(参罗 12:19 ;申 32:35-36 ;来 10:30 )不要反击,乃要祈求神处理我们的问题,为我们申张公义,并且恢复名誉。 

  诗 7:9> 心肠肺腑,神都看见,一切感觉,祂都了解;这本是福分,可是,有时就是害怕…… 

  7:9 没有什么事情可以在神面前隐藏,这可以带来惧怕也可以带来安慰。我们的心思意念在神面前是完全敞开的,因为祂知道我们的动机,叫我们无处可藏,也无法掩饰自己的罪。不过神深深认识我们也带来极大的安慰,我们无须装模作样引起神的注意,虽然我们有某些特别软弱的地方,但可以信靠祂的帮助,使我们能够按着祂的计划去服事祂。假若我们真正的寻求、跟随祂,我们的努力必会得到报酬。 

  诗 7:11> 神的审判不但在将来,也是属于今天的──属于今天!我今天可要…… 

  7:11 当罪恶占了上风,生活就会显得不公平。我们知道神的公义终必得胜,但我们也该知道神所有的公义并不是都要留在将来才伸张,祂为着每日的邪恶而忿怒,在今世,祂也常常惩治恶人,拯救那些无辜者。 

  诗 7:14-16> 恶人当道,岂有此理!神啊,难道你不再理会吗? 

  7:14-16 若按着常规发展,邪恶会自食其果。恶人会成为暴行的受害者,骗子也会被别人欺骗( 9:15-16 ),不过在这个过程中,无辜的人会受伤害。有时为了保护祂的信徒,神会立即干涉和制止行恶的人。但有些时候,为了一些只有祂才晓得的原因,神容许罪恶继续,即使无辜人可能会被害。在这种情况下,我们就要像大卫,必须恳求神保护我们。记住,神将会执行最终的审判,即使我们在有生之年看不到。 

  7:17 在罪恶当道、没有公义的时候,大卫仍感谢神是公平和公义的( 7:11 )。当我们不知道还有谁是诚实或公平的时候,我们仍然可以肯定,神会在我们的生活中显出祂的公义和公平。如果你觉得受到别人不公平的对待,就要来求问那位常常对你公平的主,然后感谢祂的同在(参赛 42:1-6 )。──《灵修版圣经注释》