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旧约 - 约伯记(Job)第6章

Then Job replied:
"If only my anguish could be weighed and all my misery be placed on the scales!
It would surely outweigh the sand of the seas--no wonder my words have been impetuous.
The arrows of the Almighty are in me, my spirit drinks in their poison; God's terrors are marshaled against me.
Does a wild donkey bray when it has grass, or an ox bellow when it has fodder?
Is tasteless food eaten without salt, or is there flavor in the white of an egg?
I refuse to touch it; such food makes me ill.
"Oh, that I might have my request, that God would grant what I hope for,
that God would be willing to crush me, to let loose his hand and cut me off!
Then I would still have this consolation--my joy in unrelenting pain--that I had not denied the words of the Holy One.
"What strength do I have, that I should still hope? What prospects, that I should be patient?
Do I have the strength of stone? Is my flesh bronze?
Do I have any power to help myself, now that success has been driven from me?
"A despairing man should have the devotion of his friends, even though he forsakes the fear of the Almighty.
But my brothers are as undependable as intermittent streams, as the streams that overflow
when darkened by thawing ice and swollen with melting snow,
but that cease to flow in the dry season, and in the heat vanish from their channels.
Caravans turn aside from their routes; they go up into the wasteland and perish.
The caravans of Tema look for water, the traveling merchants of Sheba look in hope.
They are distressed, because they had been confident; they arrive there, only to be disappointed.
Now you too have proved to be of no help; you see something dreadful and are afraid.
Have I ever said, 'Give something on my behalf, pay a ransom for me from your wealth,
deliver me from the hand of the enemy, ransom me from the clutches of the ruthless'?
"Teach me, and I will be quiet; show me where I have been wrong.
How painful are honest words! But what do your arguments prove?
Do you mean to correct what I say, and treat the words of a despairing man as wind?
You would even cast lots for the fatherless and barter away your friend.
"But now be so kind as to look at me. Would I lie to your face?
Relent, do not be unjust; reconsider, for my integrity is at stake.
Is there any wickedness on my lips? Can my mouth not discern malice?
约伯记第六章   第 6 章 

  伯 6:6-7> 以利法的劝告为何打不动约伯的心?你从中学到什么功课? 

  6:6-7 约伯说,听以利法的劝告就好像吃无味的蛋白(“蛋青”)。在人们经历严厉的试炼后,毫无帮助的劝导对他们来说是场灾难。他们会有礼貌地听,但内心却仍满腹哀愁,根本得不着安慰。对于那些受伤害的人不要急于给予劝告,他们常常需要怜悯多过劝告。 

  伯 6:8-9> 求生不得,可不可求死? 

  6:8-9 在悲痛中,约伯想放弃挣扎,结束自己的生命,从痛苦中解脱出来。但神没有应允他的请求。祂对约伯有更大的计划。像约伯一样,我们在遇到艰难时,也有想放弃的念头。一帆风顺时要信靠神,但在逆境中信靠祂,是考验我们承受极限并锻炼我们信心的时机。不论困扰的大小,要相信神在掌握一切,并看顾我们(参罗 8:28 )。 

  伯 6:29-30> 约伯说自己无“不义”,是说他无罪吗? 

  6:29-30 约伯提到自己的正直,不是因为他无罪,而是因为他与神有正确的关系。他并没有犯他朋友所控告的罪(参 31 章他对自己过去生活的总结)。这节经文的另一种意思为,“我的义仍然立得住”。义并不表示无罪(参罗 3:23 ),只有耶稣是无罪的,是没有错误的思想和行动的。在书的末尾我们看到,连约伯也需要改变他对神的态度。虽然如此,约伯仍是义人( 1:8 )。他很小心地尽他所能,在生活的各方面顺服神。──《灵修版圣经注释》