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旧约 - 约伯记(Job)第18章

Then Bildad the Shuhite replied:
"When will you end these speeches? Be sensible, and then we can talk.
Why are we regarded as cattle and considered stupid in your sight?
You who tear yourself to pieces in your anger, is the earth to be abandoned for your sake? Or must the rocks be moved from their place?
"The lamp of the wicked is snuffed out; the flame of his fire stops burning.
The light in his tent becomes dark; the lamp beside him goes out.
The vigor of his step is weakened; his own schemes throw him down.
His feet thrust him into a net and he wanders into its mesh.
A trap seizes him by the heel; a snare holds him fast.
A noose is hidden for him on the ground; a trap lies in his path.
Terrors startle him on every side and dog his every step.
Calamity is hungry for him; disaster is ready for him when he falls.
It eats away parts of his skin; death's firstborn devours his limbs.
He is torn from the security of his tent and marched off to the king of terrors.
Fire resides in his tent; burning sulfur is scattered over his dwelling.
His roots dry up below and his branches wither above.
The memory of him perishes from the earth; he has no name in the land.
He is driven from light into darkness and is banished from the world.
He has no offspring or descendants among his people, no survivor where once he lived.
Men of the west are appalled at his fate; men of the east are seized with horror.
Surely such is the dwelling of an evil man; such is the place of one who knows not God."
约伯记第十八章   第 18 章 

  伯 18 章 > 比勒达再度发言时的态度有何变化?为什么? 

  18 章 比勒达自以为知道宇宙如何运行。他把约伯的景况看成是犯罪后果的范例。比勒达驳斥约伯的说法,因为那不符合他的人生观。谴责比勒达并不难,因为他的错误显而易见。不幸的是,在自己的观点受到威胁时,我们也常常干同样的事。 

  伯 18:14> 比勒达怎样看死亡?我们的看法又是…… 

  18:14 “惊吓之王”是死亡的拟人说法。比勒达把死亡看成一个巨大的吞食者( 18:13 )。但圣经教导我们,神却有能力吞没死亡(参诗 49:15 ;赛 25:8 ;林前 15:54-56 )。──《灵修版圣经注释》